If You Need Help Right Now

When a Death Occurs
When a death occurs, if you are not sure what to do, call Country Hills Crematorium at (403)274-0576 and our professional staff will ensure the right people are contacted. Your emotional state may be heightened upon the death of a loved one and we suggest that you ask a friend or family member for help – someone who is more able to think clearly, and give you the support you need.

Expected Deaths
When a death is expected jointly by family and a physician, there is no need to call 911 or contact other emergency services. On the other hand, unexpected deaths must be investigated by the Medical Examiner’s office and sometimes the police. If you are not sure, your Funeral Director can give you the guidance you need and contact the necessary officials.

When a death occurs in a care facility, such as a nursing home/care facility or hospice, the professional staff will notify you and the necessary authorities within their organization. If the name of the Calgary funeral home has been left with them, the institution will notify them at the time of the death. The Funeral Director will contact you immediately following their notification to help you proceed. We suggest you contact the funeral home immediately, so you’ve got the reassurance you need that all is taken care of properly.

If a loved one was in the care of a hospital program, the staff will notify you and the necessary authorities within the hospital. Hospital workers are reluctant to call funeral homes. We suggest you contact the funeral home in Calgary directly. The funeral home will then communicate with the hospital to follow through with their procedures. Often the internal systems of the hospital limit our ability to proceed immediately.

When a death occurs at home under the care of the Homecare program, the Homecare staff will guide you through their procedure. The funeral home is contacted and will respond immediately. Our professional staff will arrive within one hour to remove your loved one from the home and transfer them to our care facility.

Unexpected Deaths
When a death is unexpected, the police and medical examiner must be involved. Call 911 and the operators will ensure that the right emergency personnel are dispatched. Unexpected deaths would include all sudden deaths at home or work, automobile accidents and other deaths that were not medically anticipated. Once emergency authorities have been notified and engaged in their work, contact the funeral home at (403)274-0576. Investigations do not have to be completed in order to proceed with planning the memorial or funeral services in Calgary.

Preparing to meet the Funeral Director
Your Funeral Director is a licensed professional who is there to guide you through the many options and choices you will be faced with. Setting an appointment with a Director is an important step. Several questions may be answered while setting the appointment, however, but most details will be discussed while you meet in person. Your Funeral Director will ask if funeral services have already been preplanned.
Your Funeral Director will be asking you several other questions, including specific details about your loved one. Much of this information is required for the legal purpose of registering the death. Many other questions will be asked in order to assist in planning an appropriate funeral service and burial or cremation.

Click here to fill out a form that will be sent to your Funeral Director. This form will help you gather and share the information that is required for your meeting. You can also print a copy here.

The form includes the following questions:

  • Full legal name
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Resident address
  • Legal marital status
  • Spouse’s full name (or full maiden name)
  • Former spouse’s full name (or full maiden name)
  • Common-law relationship information
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Alberta Health Care Number
  • Drivers License Number (or AB Identification Number)
  • Mother’s full maiden name and place of birth
  • Father’s full name and place of birth
  • Occupation during working years
  • Is there a will?
  • Who is the executor/executrix?

Widening the Circle
There may be many people who need to be notified of the death of a loved one. You may wish to ask for help from family members or friends to assist with this daunting task. Family members, friends, co-workers, neighbours, clergy or other spiritual advisors may be included in this list as well.

Obituaries and internet communication are useful tools to notify people of a death. Your Funeral Director will assist with these notices and share them on our Calgary Obituaries page.

Remember to call Country Hills Crematorium at (403)274-0576 if you have any questions or concerns.