何志雄 (He Zhi Hong) was born on May 20, 1929, in Guang Dong Province,NanHai City, China. He was a beloved husband, father, and grandfather knownfor his strength, wellness, and excellent mahjong skills. 何志雄 dedicated 32years of his life to working as an educator and school manager in China, wherehe earned deep respect from his students and community members for hiscommitment and integrity.After moving to Calgary in 1986, 何志雄 became an active and cherishedmember of the Chinese community. He engaged in various activities, such asplaying mahjong, singing with the Chinese Choir, and participating in outingsboth within and outside the city.何志雄 (He Zhi Hong) was married to 丁肖华 (Ding Xiao Hua), and they wereblessed with six children: 何欣 (He Xin), 邝曙霞 (Kwong Shu Xia), 何森 (HeSen), 何荣 (He Rong), 何杰 (He Jie), and 何洲 (He Zhou), as well as manygrandchildren and great-grandchildren.
