Avtar Singh Bhatti passed away unexpectedly in Calgary on Friday, May 29, 2020 at the age of 76 years. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends.
Funeral Services will be held at COUNTRY HILLS CREMATORIUM & FUNERAL SERVICES, 11995 – 16 Street NE.
One Comment
I am Keilah A.
I would like to tell you how sorry I am for your loss! I too have lost loved ones and there are no words to write the pain so deep that you feel.
When death lashes our lives we ask ourselves: Why do these tragedies occur?
It is normal to feel distressed and there is nothing wrong with crying. However, the pain is still there and overwhelms us. That is why what the Bible says in James 1 (13) is comforting :”With bad things, no one can prove God, nor can he prove anyone.” He never wanted us to die, so the Bible teaches that death is an enemy of God. And in the Bible we are taught that very soon he will repair the damage that this cruel enemy has done to us.
John 5 (28 ~ 29) says; “The voice of Jesus will be heard and they will rise again”. We cannot imagine how wonderful it will be when Jehovah God gives us back our loved ones.
my email alfarokeilah@gmail.com