Bhupinder Singh Kullar, beloved husband of Amrit Kaur Kullar, passed away on January 13, 2020 at the age of 64 years. Besides his loving wife Amrit, Bhupinder will be lovingly remembered by his daughter Puneet Kaur (Ravi Singh) Brar, sons Akash Singh (Viktoria) Kullar and Sunny Singh (Julia Sande) Kullar, and six beautiful grandchildren. Funeral Ceremonies will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2020 at Country Hills Crematorium – 11995-16 Street, NE, Calgary at 2:00 pm.
Followed by a service at the Sikh Society of Calgary 739-81 Street, SW, Calgary at 4:30 pm.
You will be missed brother, God bless your soul.
Heartfelt condolences
Dear Amrit and family,
We are shocked to hear of the passing of Bobby. He was an amazing man and will be dearly missed. We will cherish every memory we have of him. Our sincerest condolences to you and the family.
Stacey, Ellen and Kasey
Thinking of your family during this difficult time. Sending love and solidarity.
He is a generous man as good husband,father,grandfather,brother and friend.we pray to God to help your whole family to bear this big loss.
Please accept our sincerest condolences. He was one of the kindest men we had ever met and made us all feel like family. We are thinking of Viktoria, Akash and the entire family. Love the Condic/McLaughlin family