Varinderjit Singh Rai, passed away suddenly on July 31, 2020 at the age of 31 years. Varinderjit will be sadly missed by his family and friends. Funeral Ceremonies will be held on Friday, August 7, 2020 at Country Hills Crematorium – 11995-16 Street, NE, Calgary at 3:00 pm. To view a live stream of Varinderjit’s funeral ceremony, please use this link
Such a tragic loss, love and sympathy to all the Rai family in Canada, India and England. Aman and the children along with all family members are in my thoughts and prayers. Be strong and remember, God only takes the best.RIP Binda, gone too soon ?
Waheguru Mehar kre ..
My beloved son Binda, can’t believe you are gone, it is like a nightmare that I can not wake from. Longing to hear your voice and see your face. Forever in my heart, love you, palo Aunty